Build a website in 30 seconds with Sitelium AI.

Sitelium vs Wix & Squarespace.

How does Sitelium stack up against competing website-building platforms? Comparing included features and pricing between Sitelium and competing all-inclusive platforms like Wix or Squarespace.

Sitelium all-inclusive vs Separate purchases with others.

No site maintenance is needed. We take care of everything that happens under the hood of your websites, including hosting, security, and uptime. Spend your time on more important things!

❤️ This website is created & hosted with Sitelium. Now anyone can build websites without coding or designing skills on Sitelium to grow their business online.


Don't have time to build a website?

No worries, hire our designer to build your websites on Sitelium.

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Watch tutorials, browse documentation, or contact us with questions.

We always recommend that you review all FAQ & Help Center documentation and video tutorials before contacting our support team.

To help us resolve your issue faster, you should always email us with your Sitelium registered email address. (Please do not disclose your account password to our any of the support teams.)



Contact Us

We always recommend that you review all FAQ & Help Center documentation and video tutorials before contacting our support team.

To help us resolve your issue faster, you should always email us with your Sitelium registered email address. (Please do not disclose your account password to our any of the support teams.)

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We always recommend that you review all FAQ & Help Center documentation and video tutorials before contacting our support team.

To help us resolve your issue faster, you should always email us with your Sitelium registered email address. (Please do not disclose your account password to our any of the support teams.)