
Sitelium website builder: New, updated, improved, and fixed changelog versions.

Version 3.0.0 {17 June, 2024}
  • HTML Compilation process for major page-loading improvements
  • Builder developer dependencies
  • Moved Form element from FREE to PRO
  • Added rich-text formatting clearance
  • Reload the preview tab if already open instead of new tab
  • Copy-Paste Styles for Text Element when using selected text
  • Various vulnerabilities
  • Global Styles not saving current state in some instances
  • Text multi-select with gradients bug
  • Section background displaying incorrect option
  • Rating element bug with tooltip for settings
  • Bug with align for next post in PostNavigation
  • Popup close button not showing in some cases
  • Form margin not showing with radio type option
  • Popup with MegaMenu z-index bug
  • Bug when duplicating popups in some instances
Version 2.5.0 {20 March, 2024}
  • Added fade option for Carousel element and Slider option in blocks
  • Added ‘Open in new tab’ option for internal page links
  • Added Underline for links on hover
  • Text element performance with color change
  • Changed UI for population option
  • Text element toolbar closing when changing Dynamic option
  • Drag & drop functionality not working outside the visible viewport
  • Button & Icon element hover background colors not showing correct color
  • Copy/Paste for Text element with color gradient
  • Selecting all text via shortcut then writing doesn’t show new texts
  • Text element with selection for text-transform
  • Global Typography in responsive viewports
  • Text element broken error
  • Screenshots for blocks inside Reorder sidebar
  • Comments elements
  • Breadcrumbs title for non-ascii code
  • Mask for Text element when using Dynamic Image not working
  • Switcher element cursor not showing pointer
Version 2.4.0 {5 February, 2024}
  • Help Video functionality inside the builder
  • Added variable fonts
  • Text highlight color
  • Dynamic Image for Video cover
  • Added Post Navigation element
  • Added Breadcrumbs element
  • Increases rows number for Posts
  • Custom Attributes position in the right sidebar
  • Include Global Style when saving layouts
  • Toolbar options arrow position on Rows
  • Extract React from editor build, and add this as standalone script in HTML
  • Disable shorten/extend actions for AI text in some cases
  • Drag & drop for Icons and Buttons
  • Tabs UI colors in right sidebar
  • Progress bar comes out of the wrapper
  • Text Link option pasted value doesn't save if instantly closing toolbar
  • Form Select arrow
  • Stories are not aligned in the middle of the screen
  • Column align when Effects are enabled
  • Writing long texts in Form fields
  • Video element crashed when imported with a block
  • Internal link placeholder error
  • Column alignment doesn't work on Auto distribute option
  • Toolbar css issue when searching a Collection Type name
  • Copy Styles don't apply for Dynamic Content Rich Text
  • Background button and icon hover color didn't match preview
  • Video background for blocks and columns unable to pause
  • Unable to set Global Block
Version 2.3.0 {17 January, 2024}
  • Add Right Click Context Menu to Tabs Element
  • Added tooltip message when saving draft pages
  • Localisation for Sitelium in 14 Languages
  • Add Right Click context Menu to "Mega Menu" element
  • Added new Element, "Post Info"
  • Post element crash after filtering
  • Speed when searching pages URL for Links
  • UI Translation
  • Update Integration name "Sendinblue" -> "Brevo"
  • AI Options for Text
  • Link To option loses focus
  • Icon Background corner is not active
  • Save selected Page in Link option on any Text element
  • Scroll in toolbar/typography is not working when parallax effect is set
  • Some Saved Blocks thumbnails are not displayed
  • Styling Dividers Show thin line on some mobile devices
  • Background color on hover "Get a pro Plan" button
  • Drag & Drop for Posts, Accordion Tab elements
  • Drag & Drop Lines remain active randomly
  • Padding bottom for Video with Cover Image
  • Carousel element is not displayed on mobile
  • Hover Animation on Icon with link
  • Save Trigger condition for popups don't save
  • Lottie element crash on non-lottie json upload
Version 2.2.5 {28 December, 2023}
  • Added 16 new templates
Version 2.2.4 {7 December, 2023}
  • Protected Page and Protected Project URL
  • Reduce text generation time
Version 2.2.3 {5 December, 2023}
  • Lightbox option on images is not working on frontend
  • Accordion icon size issue on front end
Version 2.2.2 {1 December, 2023}
  • Buttons width in preview
  • Overlay was visible under gradient color
Version 2.2.1 {29 November, 2023}
  • Added font awesome icons
  • Use system default fonts instead of Google or custom fonts
  • Close button for hamburger menu
  • Transition speed for carousel
  • AI option for Text
  • Custom column width for table element
  • Reduce icons size
  • Save form checkbox value in preview
  • Move "Show on Desktop" icon under the Basic tab in the right sidebar
  • Delete dynamic content inside Text in one backspace
  • Optimised code output for the Accordion element
  • Optimised code output for the Tabs element
  • Optimised code output for the Icon element
  • Optimised code output for the Button element
  • Reduced ID length in HTML attributes
  • Removed "data-uid" and "name" attributes from section in preview
  • Optimised code output for the Playlist element
  • Optimised code output for the Timeline element
  • Optimised code output for the Switcher element
  • Unable to add element in page
  • Custom video loop not working
  • Drag image with link
  • Icon sizes values in the Icon element
  • Dynamic content text color in preview
  • Sound of video with cover image plays twice
  • Copy/Paste styles for hover overlay
  • Popup conditions dropdown too small
  • Carousel element is zoomed when placed in a block that has background video
  • Row/Column items alignment when you set up a scroll effect
Version 2.2.0 {7 October, 2023}
  • Internal Link on the link option for all elements
  • Template autoinstall in the dashboard for websites and stories
  • Changed Popup close delay suffix to s instead of px
  • Extended population option with custom attributes
  • Posts columns number for mobile and tablet
  • Removed getPage request added pageData inside config
  • Sections container width was changed in 1170px
  • Changed icon for the Webhooks integration on forms
  • Removed the ability to change icons in responsive views for the icon element
  • Button width for default fill type
  • Rename Tags titles in Saved blocks
  • Rearrange Global typography styles
  • Responsive views change automatically when you select the devices in global typography styling
  • Image gallery empty space when changing column number
  • Menu won't open on mobile or tablet inside Section Slider and Carousel
  • Toolbar Dynamic Content
  • Gallery option cannot load images in thumbnails
  • Popup styles in preview
  • Mega Menu styles in preview
  • Text color picker on dynamic elements
  • Hover on certain elements that have motion effects set
  • Drag & Drop was not working on images with link
  • Lightbox preview
  • Text align for copy-pasted texts in preview
  • Toolbars label text length
  • Text color options
  • Hover animation not working for the same item after sliding
  • Column content align when scroll animation is applied
  • Text space for ordered and unordered lists
  • The accordion element disappears after deleting tags
  • Opacity for Gradient color doesn't work correctly
  • Button Spacing incorrectly affects position and alignment
  • Global styling not changing
  • Audio element is still playing after the pop-up is closed
  • Global colors for Image shadow
  • Global colors for Image border
  • Tab & Accordion elements heading get hidden under Sticky/Fixed menu on mobiles
Version 2.1.7 {8 August, 2023}
  • Added 26 new premade design layouts
Version 2.1.6 {31 July, 2023}
  • Project cloning feature via URL
  • Added custom video URL for Block background
  • Added copy/paste styles for Text element
  • Added mask option for all containers
  • Added vertical spacing option for the Timeline element
  • Display selected font at top of font list in the Typography options
  • Hexagon Shape in the Mask options
  • Text crashed after population change
  • Block Slider on preview
  • Element with rotate motion effect moves when hovering on toolbar
  • Text alignment in the preview
  • Remove saved block tag
  • Label text pushing the options out of the UI
  • Container width in PX shows 1400px max slider value instead of 1170px
  • The color gets reset when a dynamic text is linked to its URL
  • Option "Scroll page behind" on popups was not working correctly
Version 2.1.5 {22 June, 2023}
  • Image sizes on the preview
  • Section Parallax
  • Section containers
Version 2.1.4 {20 June, 2023}
  • Added option to sort tags alphabetically in the Accordion element
  • Added vertical space option for Accordion element
  • Add width in px for the boxed option on Blocks
  • Tags and Titles for saved blocks and saved layouts
  • Image Gallery multi upload
  • Added layout types and aspect ratio options to Image Gallery
  • Added option to sort tags alphabetically in Gallery
  • Added Webhooks integration in the Form element
  • Codebase migrate to node 18
  • Changed some elements positions and order in the elements panel
  • Builder select option
  • Added a helper icon for YouTube links in the Video element
  • Omit 1 request for get project
  • Builder UI Themes
  • W3C Accessibility issues
  • Countdown timezone offset
  • Numbering unordered list in Text element
  • Image Alt Title option in Right Sidebar
  • Posts Element custom dynamic image
  • Scroll for code Mirror in Right Sidebar
  • Popup Scroll when you disable 'Click outside to close pop-up'
  • Sticky Menu on scrolling
  • Added Typography in mobile/tablet for Rating element
Version 2.1.3 {3 June, 2023}
  • Advanced Hover animation
  • Align option for Language element
  • Added px units for Story section
  • Made with Sitelium badge on free websites
  • Codemirror plugins
  • Core-js library
  • Button old options to new options
  • Removed title attribute from HTML for the block slider .svg arrows
  • Remove icon on global style in the left sidebar
  • Added active color in mobile Menu element
  • Added IST timezone in the Countdown element
  • Youtube video in the Video element
  • Made all UI scrollbars custom
  • Added .min suffix for all css and js minified files
  • Menu option source
  • Carousel toolbar when reordering items
  • Twitter element
  • Added support to escaping ' and "
  • Link anchor is not working on the correct block if you scroll
  • Screenshots browser compatibility on Safari when saving blocks
  • Link option in a Row element
  • Dynamic content link
  • Dynamic content image in preview
  • Filter / Offset options for Posts element in mobile and tablet
  • Login element does not login users
Version 2.1.2 {3 April, 2023}
  • Replace js slider for carousel with Swiper JS
  • Image Upload canceling in case of infinite loading
  • Added all the time zones in the Countdown element
  • Dropdown options for the left sidebar
  • Restructured the Video element options
  • Text font size option increased to 300
  • Multiline for custom attribute
  • onclick Custom Attribute in the right sidebar
  • Google map in the background in responsive views
  • Reorder column option
  • Background overflow and z-index
  • br HTML tag in titles of tabs in responsive views
  • Opacity for language switcher drop-down
  • Form input length validation
  • Smoother transition when hovering gradient backgrounds
  • Text links insite a text element
  • Color picker for the global color styles in the left sidebar
  • Icons getting smaller when you write more text in the Tab element
  • Form email length restriction
  • Image Mask for text element
  • Remove file uploads on links
  • Sticky header block doesn't disappear when you scroll to the top
  • Mega Menu colors and typography
  • Popup adding extra 300px to the pop-up container
  • Popup in preview
Version 2.1.1 {6 March, 2023}
  • New eye dropper feature for colors
  • Preparations for future UI color themes
  • Twitter library
  • Editor strings improvements
  • Added Pro visual cues for PRO options inside the builder
  • Value for Form checkbox was sent in lead even if empty
  • Background Vimeo video is getting zoomed in preview mode
  • Right Sidebar advanced settings for icons and buttons
  • Losing global styling in Text element after refresh
  • Text on top of custom video is pushed under the video in preview
  • Made it more clear what video formats can be added for custom video URLs
  • Removed black strip on the top of the custom video
  • Excerpt element is saving the font family from the post title
  • Typography styles for dynamic content in Text element
  • Capitalize dynamic content for Text element
  • Timeline horizontal style in preview
  • Losing global styling in Text element after refresh
  • Mobile hamburger menu items scroll bar
  • Blurred image in Carousel element
  • Copy style from text to dynamic content
  • Copy error when menu is not selected in the Menu element
Version 2.1.0 {22 February, 2023}
  • Project Duplication
Version 2.0.46 {26 December, 2022}
  • Added stroke option for the Post Title element
  • Added paddings for the Facebook element
  • Added height for the Progress Bar element
  • Added permalink in the result of the search post function
  • Shadow for Header and Footer elements
  • StickTitle option on the hamburger menu was deleted
  • Table responsive
  • Options & UI for Affects and animations
  • Optimised the draggable when you resize columns
  • Text alignment in the hamburger Menu
  • External Popup snippet with Google Fonts
  • Popup cookies problems with local-storage
  • Carousel preview - a custom height in responsive mode
  • Timeline style
  • Typography for tags in the Accordion element
  • Image box shadow with corner in preview
  • Section hover - slider
  • Form dropdown icon for multiselect
  • Form submit failed if checkbox is not required
  • Contact Form advanced toolbar
  • Corrected translatable words
Version 2.0.45 {17 November, 2022}
  • Added styles and more options for the Line element
  • Added paddings for Counter, Embed, Video, Map, Audio & Countdown elements
  • Added Mask option for the Image element
  • Video element new options
  • Added width and corner options for the Facebook element
  • Added padding options for Facebook, Lottie, VideoPlayList
  • Added corner option for the Menu element
  • Borders moved from toolbar to sidebar
  • Color works under CSS variables in Text CSS classes
  • Column width changed when you click the column resize handle
  • Hover styles for Update toolbar icons
  • Border global color on Tabs
  • Hover styles on icons from Effects
  • Right Click on Row element
  • White space for text in Playlist element
  • Button color in the Facebook Comments element
Version 2.0.44 {11 October, 2022}
  • Added type Outset to Shadow option for Header and Footer blocks
  • Prefetch for Bunny Fonts
  • Rename Base category to Essentials in element panel
  • Grid elements moved to the top in the element panel
  • Timeline element options
  • Language switcher width in preview
  • Using SVGs in Image element
  • Image URLs when using Sync
  • Fonts when missing fontFamilyType
  • Twitter height issue
  • Corner option for the close icon in a popup
  • Table width issue
Version 2.0.43 {3 October, 2022}
  • Image naming in URLs retain the file name on upload
  • Content shift caused by Carousel on page load
Version 2.0.42 {28 September, 2022}
  • Get fonts from instead of to address GDPR font issues
  • Deleting request when you delete saved block or saved layout
  • Removed Math.random for security
  • Map - popup is not closed when the cover on map is clicked
  • Parallax in responsive mode
  • Menu element - Icon size option
  • Mailchimp error on creating new list
  • Link to File option was missing in toolbar on Button
  • Section Image crop issue in mobile view for Popups
  • Mobile 100vw width for Mega Menus
  • Misalignment for Menu arrows in mobile view
  • Switcher spacing option
Version 2.0.41 {17 September, 2022}
  • Infinite animation option
  • Added select "All" option for custom post types in Global blocks conditions
  • Text Image mask that works with post/page featured image
  • The size icons in the Timeline element
  • UI improvement to accommodate long text translation
  • Minify global typography CSS variables
  • Root window referrer request
  • Color picker gradient issues
  • CMS iframe loading
  • LeftSidebar icon position in dropdown menu
  • Added First Name and Last Name in Authorization form with Cloud when you save blocks and/or layouts
  • Current Query for customers in Posts element
  • Switcher style two icon active color
  • Can't add more than one popup in Text element on text links
  • Menu gradient background
  • Popup inside Posts Element
  • Table syncing styles between all cells
  • Hamburger menu closing if is in Mega Menu
  • Menu tab overlaps menu items on scroll
  • Sticky options on Header element
  • Option go to slide in Story on Lottie elements
  • Popup content vertical alignment
  • Header type fixed shaking on scroll
  • Hamburger menu drawer position in responsive
  • Can't edit static header
  • Can't get global popups
  • Mega Menu 100 vw width in responsive modes
  • Translations in preview
  • Lag when you select colors in Global styles
  • Pagination color on hover for Posts element
  • Added "from category" display condition for global blocks
  • Made mouse pointer when you hover the color option on block dividers
  • Undo/Redo in Text element
  • Empty column crash on "Editor" role
  • Mute video when you set the cover option in Video element
  • Divider on Section
  • Parallax in responsive views
  • Posts include multiple references and multi-reference
  • Posts context right click menu doesn't appear
  • Enable update button on undo/redo
  • Diacritics are converted to unicode characters
  • Image crashing when clicking the resize pointers
  • Counter style 2-3-4 in Story
  • Countdown height in Story
  • Accordion - border-radius on tags
  • Tabs - Title in responsive views
  • Carousel - Working with text breaks the carousel
  • Fast scroll on Blocks that have Parallax option on
Version 2.0.40 {30 August, 2022}
  • Mute on video with cover
  • Recaptcha keys not saving in contact form
  • Recaptcha keys not saving in contact form
Version 2.0.39 {2 June, 2022}
  • Added background image and gradient to hamburger menu
  • In excerpt dynamic content on Text, display only the filled in tags (p, H1, H2, etc)
  • Added postTitle in archive
  • Saved blocks lazy load
  • Performance on columns drag & drop
  • Performance on videos and images resize
  • Performance on column resize
  • Section padding resize
  • Column issue when is inside a Tab element
  • Featured image on columns hover didn't inherit image from normal state
  • The right sidebar on Tab element was messed up
  • Endless spinning on the Video element
  • Block margin in px and %
  • Block border radius on color hover
  • YouTube header script
  • Don't render PRO elements in preview
  • Added controls option for Vimeo videos
  • Global styles in external popup
  • Leave page window when you didn't change anything in the page
  • Feature image on hover didn't inherit image from normal state for Menu, Header, Footer, Popup
  • Rounded corners on Images that are dynamic
  • Contact forms in Mega Menu
  • Some outline icons didn't display in the editor
  • Dynamic text alignment
  • Sidebar for Timeline element in mobile view
  • Menu background color hover when you select a global color
Version 2.0.38 {5 May, 2022}
  • Show blocks only for a certain language (similar to Membership)
  • Show blocks only for a certain language for Header and Footer blocks
  • Improved performance when you have a lot of columns on the page
  • Improved performance when you change global styling
  • Improved performance when you copy paste styles
  • Embed - changes color scheme
  • Mouse cursor when hovering the UI on the left sidebar
  • Moved layout Ekstra to PRO
  • Import Blocks button in Safari
  • Buttons conflicts with GTM
  • Separators for dropdown in Left Sidebar
  • "Get a pro Plan" link for Pro Layouts
  • Hover transition on the play icon in the Playlist element
  • Popups screenshots
  • User role tab in Login/Register element
  • Hover on menu dropdown
  • Header & Footer dividers on Firefox
Version 2.0.37 {20 April, 2022}
  • Global color palette performance
  • Global typography performance
  • Performance Editor Removed Blocks from Left Sidebar
  • Overlay for Pro elements in Free accounts
  • UI Left Sidebar cursor is changed from default to pointer
  • Collaborate opens in new tab Collaboration Tool
  • Button border size
  • Background video for Story
  • Map cover image repeat
  • Popup input date delimiters
  • Video - error message after uploading a custom video
  • Text Dynamic Link
  • ResetPassword toolbars
Version 2.0.36 {4 April, 2022}
  • Added cover image option for Map element
  • RightClick dropdown component
  • UI Icon spacing in the builder on left sidebar
  • Global blocks rules
  • Hover Transition for ImageGallery
  • Text element blink when changing align option
  • Video with border radius in Safari
  • Renaming custom global text styles
  • Remember Me option in the Login element
  • Layout "Carwash" was changed to PRO
  • Active border size for the Tabs element
  • Posts Include | Exclude shows weird selection in dropdown
  • Removed the active language from the dropdown in Languages element
  • Style 3 for Tabs element
  • Center align for arrows in Accordion element
  • DnD was not working when user had Editor role
  • Colors & transition for element VideoPlaylist
  • Active color for the Menu element
Version 2.0.35 {10 March, 2022}
  • Import/Export Saved Blocks, Popups, Layouts
  • Show progress on story when autoplay is on
  • Removed loop from story
  • Increased the number of history snapshots from 10 to 20. Happy Ctrl-Z-ing
  • SEO for Video element
  • Plugin Cross-Site Scripting
  • Link to slide in Web Stories
  • Undo/redo in Text element
  • Text styles after pasting text from outside the builder
  • Random global blocks are not saved in Global block list
  • Posts include/exclude select
  • Style for Counter element in Firefox
  • Vimeo video background loop
  • Countdown restart after finished
  • Disabled Lottie link for responsive
  • Background image for Header blocks with Sticky option on
Version 2.0.34 {2 March, 2022}
  • Collaboration tool option in left sidebar
  • Add links to any slide in Stories
  • Auto slide option for Stories
  • Changed max value for counter element
  • Selecting dropdown options in Post filter option
  • Image (original size) width and height
  • Width for sidebar custom attributes
  • Links on buttons when global blocks are missing
  • Gradient color for buttons
  • External Popups font assets
  • Form hidden field send only label
  • Premade popup designs available only in PRO
  • View as for membership roles in builder
  • Separators in responsive and hamburger dropdowns in the left sidebar
  • Accordion active tags
  • Reset password
  • Added hover state on Back to Login and Register links in the Login element
  • Loop for VideoPlaylist element
Version 2.0.33 {9 February, 2022}
  • Stories - added Lottie render option
  • Form element - added 'Loading' animation to button after submit
  • Timeline element - element spacing bug on mobile
  • Timeline element - line & border display issues
  • Buttons & Icons - custom class, ID population
  • Playlist element - cover image not working
  • Form element - "Hidden" field not working correctly
  • Option to View As "User" - not displaying correctly
  • Video element - gets muted after cover image is added
  • Tabs element - options not working on responsive views
  • Tabs element - orientation & style not working on responsive views
  • Tabs element - duplicate options in right sidebar on responsive views
  • Blocks get reordered when only global blocks exist in page
  • Menu element - "jumping" on hover when border opacity is 0 in normal mode
  • Columns / Rows - image background hover not working
  • Section Background Video error when loop is enabled
  • Membership - global block conditions showing email when First Name or Last Name not available
Version 2.0.32 {14 January, 2022}
  • Added border / background-color / shadow for content
  • Added Image width px unit for svg and gif type
  • XSS in RichText & all Links
  • Login entered information error
Version 2.0.31 {10 January, 2022}
  • Added spacing for text in timeline
  • Added shadow on the right side
  • Icons removed id for best seo
  • Global blocks in Users page
  • Video with cover wasn't playing on click
  • Form Upload field could not be edited if placeholder is off
  • Form error messages
  • Do not opened PromptConditions when make it global on a simple page
  • Image toolbar option size when dynamic content is enabled

❤️ This website is created & hosted with Sitelium. Now anyone can build websites without coding or designing skills on Sitelium to grow their business online.


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We always recommend that you review all FAQ & Help Center documentation and video tutorials before contacting our support team.

To help us resolve your issue faster, you should always email us with your Sitelium registered email address. (Please do not disclose your account password to our any of the support teams.)

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We always recommend that you review all FAQ & Help Center documentation and video tutorials before contacting our support team.

To help us resolve your issue faster, you should always email us with your Sitelium registered email address. (Please do not disclose your account password to our any of the support teams.)